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The Land Mine is a power in Kid Icarus: Uprising and can only be used in Together Mode. Using this power will place an invisible bomb on the floor.
Plant an invisible bomb on the ground.
- Max Level: 3
- Use Count (Single Player): 2 x Level
- Use Count (Multiplayer): 1 + Level
- Recovery Rate for V300+ weapons: 1.5 + 0.1 per Level charges
- Power Type: Attack (Red) (treated as Blue)
- Casting Animation: Land Mine (may move again 2/5 seconds after Effect)
- Default duration: 15 seconds after Casting Animation
- Effect: Places Land Mine
- Land Mine:
- Explosion trigger: fighter in 4m proximity or projectile hit at least 1 2/5 seconds after placement, or lifespan expiration
- Damage (Single Player): 60
- Damage (Multiplayer): 40
- Notes: no effect on other projectiles
Level | Uses |
1 | 2 |
2 | 3 (4) |
3 | 4 (6) |