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“Want to charge your shots faster? Each successful dodge actually speeds up the recharge of charged shots.” |
Parry Chargeup is a gameplay mechanic introduced in Kid Icarus: Uprising, where upon dodging an attack with a roll, the player gains shot chargeup. This can be used to discourage foes from throwing overwhelming amounts of attacks.
Note that dasharound dodges will not provide Parry Chargeup.
The amount of chargeup provided by Parry Chargeup is based on the weapon family and approximate to the involved percentage of the weapon type's own required amount of chargeup at base. Quick Charge works on Parry Chargeup, keeping the time saved from being decreased.
Approximate Percentages of Chargeup[]
Note: there is an additional base value of chargeup for each weapon families that is either positive or negative based on the weapon family, most notably Clubs getting a base 1/10 of a second worth of chargeup added in addition to its own involved percentage.