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Random Conversations are optional conversations that may be randomly encountered throughout the course of Kid Icarus: Uprising. The conversation that plays is dependent on the chapter being played, and which goddess is assisting Pit during that chapter.

The following is a transcript for the English version of each conversation.

Doom and Gloom Pittoo[]

  • [The following conversation is known to play on Chapter 6.]
Pit: Why are you all doom and gloom all the time, Pittoo?
Dark Pit: I think a better question is why are YOU so annoyingly cheerful?
Pit: I'm not annoying. I'm positive.
Palutena: ā™Ŗ You gotta stay upbeat, upbeat, upbeat...
Pit: ā™Ŗ Or you'll be dead meat, dead meat, dead meat...
Dark Pit: Like I said. Annoying.

Having More than One Pit[]

  • [The following conversation is known to play on Chapter 6:]
    • Either on the mountain path when Dark Pit isn't here for the 2nd battle
    • Or on the Grind Rail
Pit: It's a shame that Pittoo is so obnoxious. Just think of all the stuff you could get done with more than one of yourself.
Palutena: That's a good idea. Having a bunch of Pits COULD come in handy...
Pit: But you would NEVER abuse your power, right?
Palutena: Of course I would. That's part of the goddess job description.
Pit: I should've gone to school of goddessry.

Food Comes from Nature[]

  • [The following conversation is known to play on Chapter 11.]
Viridi: You like to eat, don't you, Pit?
Pit: I always go back for seconds AND thirds!
Viridi: Well, everything you eat comes from nature. So, if nature nourishes your body, why are you using it to fight my forces?!
Pit: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm not eating your army, so just take it easy.

The Forces of Nature Are Tasty[]

  • [The following conversation is known to play on Chapter 11.]
Palutena: I've heard that the Forces of Nature are quite tasty.
Pit: WHAT?!
Palutena: Apparently, they're especially delicious when paired with a hard cheese.
Viridi: That is entirely untrue! Don't believe her lies!

Member of Viridi's Army[]

  • [The following conversation is known to play on chapters 19 and 20.]
Viridi: Oh, look at us fighting on the same side! You're like a member of my army now!
Pit: Uh, I don't remember enlisting.
Viridi: I believe there are some latrines that need cleaning, private.
Pit: Private?! No way! I'm a commissioned officer!


  • [The following conversation is known to play on chapters 3, 4, 5, 8, and 13.]
Pit: Wouldn't it be nice to be a goldfish?
Palutena: Why do you say that?
Pit: It would be so easy.
Palutena: I don't know... My goldfish never lasted very long.

Why Pit Can't Fly[]

  • [The following conversation is known to play on chapters 10 and 15.]
Hades: Tell me, Pitty Pat, why exactly can't you fly?
Pit: Oh, real original. Like I haven't heard that one before. Not to mention, it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!
Hades: So sorry. I didn't realize it was such a sensitive subject.
Palutena: Oh, don't worry about him. He's fine. His wings just don't work right.
Pit: Hey, whose side are you on?

Forgetful Chicken[]

Pit: You know how a chicken takes three steps and then forgets?
Palutena: Forgets what?
Pit: Uh...
Palutena: Pit? Forgets what?
Pit: Uh... Oh, right! OK, so you know how a chicken takes three steps and then forgets?

Grind Rails[]

  • [The following conversation is known to play on chapters 4 and 15.]
Palutena: No one else can use or even see grind rails. Consider them another special gift from me to you.
Pit: Thanks, Lady Palutena! I really appreciate all you do for me. Though I'd appreciate it even MORE if the grind rail went straight to the boss!
Palutena: Unfortunately, that's not possible.
Pit: Butā€”
Palutena: Nope, not possible.

Monster Situation[]

  • [The following conversation is known to play on chapters 2, 3, 5, 7, and 10.]
Palutena: The monster situation is quite clamant.
Pit: Is that...a good thing?
Palutena: You know, it's importunate. Or unpropitious.
Pit: Are you still speaking English right now?
Palutena: I'm sorry, Pit. I didn't mean to confuse you. Let me make this easier for you. Big monsters kill Pit grr!
Pit: Ah, that makes perfect sense! Thank you!

Intern Pit[]

  • [The following conversation is known to play on Chapter 11.]
Pit: I've been wondering something.
Palutena: What's that?
Pit: Do all gods have their own angels, like you have me?
Palutena: No, I don't think that's necessarily the case.
Viridi: I wish I had an angel to do my bidding. It's like having an intern.
Pit: I'm not an intern. I'm a messenger of the gods!
Viridi: Poor Pit. Don't you know that the definition of angel is "errand spirit"?
Pit: That's a lie. Right, Lady Palutena? I'm not your personal assistant.
Palutena: ...I could use a coffee.
Pit: Sure thing. Cream and two sugars, right?

Balding Wings[]

  • [The following conversation is known to play on chapters 2, 3, 6, and 13.]
Palutena: It looks like your wings are losing feathers, Pit.
Pit: Hmm, I didn't notice. But I guess you're right.
Palutena: I wonder if your wings are going bald.
Palutena: Sorryā€”it just sort of slipped out. Here, if you just kind of push the other feathers over the bald spot...

Starting the Mission Closer[]

  • [The following conversation is known to play on Chapter 6.]
Pit: Hey, Lady Palutena...
Palutena: Yes, Pit?
Pit: Do you think we could start these missions closer to our targets?
Palutena: If it were possible, of course I would do that. However, I can't just open up a door wherever I feel like it.
Pit: You're right. Sorry about that.
Palutena: Plus, doesn't it feel good to get some fresh air and stretch your wings a bit?
Pit: It'd feel a whole lot better if that fresh air weren't filled with enemies!

List of Transcript pages.
Chapter Transcripts Chapter 1 ā€¢ Chapter 2 ā€¢ Chapter 3 ā€¢ Chapter 4 ā€¢ Chapter 5 ā€¢ Chapter 6 ā€¢ Chapter 7 ā€¢ Chapter 8 ā€¢ Chapter 9 ā€¢ Chapter 10 ā€¢ Chapter 11 ā€¢ Chapter 12 ā€¢ Chapter 13 ā€¢ Chapter 14 ā€¢ Chapter 15 ā€¢ Chapter 16 ā€¢ Chapter 17 ā€¢ Chapter 18 ā€¢ Chapter 19 ā€¢ Chapter 20 ā€¢ Chapter 21 ā€¢ Chapter 22 ā€¢ Chapter 23 ā€¢ Chapter 24 ā€¢ Chapter 25
Demo Transcripts Chapter 1 (Demo) ā€¢ Chapter 2 (Demo) ā€¢ Chapter 3 (Demo) ā€¢ Chapter 4 (Demo)
Kid Icarus 3D Anime Transcripts Thanatos Rising ā€¢ Medusa's Revenge ā€¢ Palutena's Revolting Dinner
Other Transcripts How to Play ā€¢ Loading Screens ā€¢ Random Conversations ā€¢ Weapon Conversations ā€¢ Palutena's Guidance