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Remoblam & Remoblamling | |
Affiliation | Underworld Army |
Appearances | Kid Icarus: Uprising (Chapter 8) |
Attack(s) | Self-destructs Stabs |
Weak point(s) | Self-destructs |
Remoblam and Remoblamling are bomb-like enemies that work for the Underworld Army. When the Remoblam is destroyed, the Remoblamling will explode as well.
Physical Appearance[]
Remoblam and Remoblamlings first appear in Chapter 8. After that they appear in Chapters 10, 14, 19, and 22.
Idol Description[]
Remoblams each control multiple Remoblamlings. And if the Remoblam is destroyed, its attendant Remoblamlings blow up in succession. However, these monsters were designed to be bombs, so these explosions are quite dangerous.