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Th kidicarusuprisingupjump

Rocket Jump is one of the Powers in Kid Icarus: Uprising. It is a literal explosive variation of Sky Jump.

Other appearances[]

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U[]

Rocket Jump SSB4 Wii U

Rocket Jump in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Rocket Jump appears as Palutena's third up special move in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. When used, Palutena creates an explosion that launches herself into the air and damages nearby opponents. If used above an opponent, the explosion Meteor Smashes them.


Launch yourself upward with the force of a rocket.


Level Uses
1 5 (2)
2 5 (4)
3 5 (6)
4 5 (8)

Power Board[]

Level 1

Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Powers in Kid Icarus: Uprising
Action Sky Jump ā€¢ Jump Glide ā€¢ Rocket Jump ā€¢ Angelic Missile ā€¢ Super Speed ā€¢ Warp
Attack Idol Transformation ā€¢ Mega Laser ā€¢ Explosive Flame ā€¢ Black Hole ā€¢ Meteor Shower ā€¢ Land Mine ā€¢ Reflect Barrier ā€¢ Heavenly Light ā€¢ Spite
Strengthen Autoreticle ā€¢ Weak-Point Reticle ā€¢ Quick Charge ā€¢ Homing Boost ā€¢ Slip Shot ā€¢ Invisible Shots ā€¢ Random Effect ā€¢ Poison Attack ā€¢ Paralyze Attack ā€¢ Weaken Attack ā€¢ Petrify Attack ā€¢ Shake Attack ā€¢ Confuse Attack ā€¢ Burn Attack ā€¢ Freeze Attack ā€¢ Instant Death Attack ā€¢ Spin Attack ā€¢ Eggplant Attack ā€¢ Tempura Attack ā€¢ Power Thief ā€¢ Energy Charge ā€¢ Libra Sponge
Debuff Darkness ā€¢ Interference ā€¢ Virus
Buff Super Armor ā€¢ Brief Invincibility ā€¢ Tirelessness ā€¢ Lightweight ā€¢ Trade-off ā€¢ Aries Armor
Support Bumblebee ā€¢ Counter ā€¢ Transparency ā€¢ Playing Dead ā€¢ Heart Booster
Recovery Health Recovery ā€¢ Crisis Recovery ā€¢ Effect Recovery ā€¢ Pisces Heal
Item Item Vacuum ā€¢ Throwing Boost ā€¢ Double Item
Miscellaneous Fortune's Jukebox ā€¢ Celestial Firework ā€¢ Random
Unknown Mystery