2012-11-30 22.12


Tirelessness is a power in Kid Icarus: Uprising. It allows the user to run continuously without tiring out. It lasts for around 30 seconds.


Run contunuously without tiring. 


  • Max Level: 4
  • Use Count: 1 x Level (both modes)
  • Recovery Rate for V300+ weapons: 1.5 charges + 0.1 charges per Level
  • Power Type: Buff
  • Default duration: 24 seconds
  • Effect: Tirelessness status applied to user
  • Tirelessness status:
    • Nullifies Stamina costs for duration (Stamina still doesn't recover in states where it would normally be reduced)


Level Uses
1 1
2 2
3 3

Power board[]

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3

Powers in Kid Icarus: Uprising
Action Sky JumpJump GlideRocket JumpAngelic MissileSuper SpeedWarp
Attack Idol TransformationMega LaserExplosive FlameBlack HoleMeteor ShowerLand MineReflect BarrierHeavenly LightSpite
Strengthen AutoreticleWeak-Point ReticleQuick ChargeHoming BoostSlip ShotInvisible ShotsRandom EffectPoison AttackParalyze AttackWeaken AttackPetrify AttackShake AttackConfuse AttackBurn AttackFreeze AttackInstant Death AttackSpin AttackEggplant AttackTempura AttackPower ThiefEnergy ChargeLibra Sponge
Debuff DarknessInterferenceVirus
Buff Super ArmorBrief InvincibilityTirelessnessLightweightTrade-offAries Armor
Support BumblebeeCounterTransparencyPlaying DeadHeart Booster
Recovery Health RecoveryCrisis RecoveryEffect RecoveryPisces Heal
Item Item VacuumThrowing BoostDouble Item
Miscellaneous Fortune's JukeboxCelestial FireworkRandom
Unknown Mystery