
Transparency is a power in Kid Icarus: Uprising. When activated, the user will turn completely invisible to all enemies. This power is best used when attacking a player by surprise in Together Mode or sneaking past Reapers in Solo Mode. However, while invisible, the user can still be attacked.


Turn transparent, making you invisible to enemies.

Level Uses
1 1 (2)
2 2 (3)
3 3 (4)
4 4 (5)

Power Board[]

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3
Level 4


Though this power makes the user invisible, opponents can still see the user's attacks, such as continuous fire and melee attacks. An opponent may find it useful to use the reticle to find him since the reticle becomes larger when hovering over a target, and it may be possible to spot a burst of dust whenever the user runs. Transparency still has the blind spot of influencing only vision regardless, so it doesn't help against the opponent's own unexpected movements.

Transparency has the lowest buff display priority other than Playing Dead, so it can be used with a second Status Buff Power that doesn't generate an aura display if the opponent isn't paying too much attention to the bottom screen.

Powers in Kid Icarus: Uprising
Action Sky JumpJump GlideRocket JumpAngelic MissileSuper SpeedWarp
Attack Idol TransformationMega LaserExplosive FlameBlack HoleMeteor ShowerLand MineReflect BarrierHeavenly LightSpite
Strengthen AutoreticleWeak-Point ReticleQuick ChargeHoming BoostSlip ShotInvisible ShotsRandom EffectPoison AttackParalyze AttackWeaken AttackPetrify AttackShake AttackConfuse AttackBurn AttackFreeze AttackInstant Death AttackSpin AttackEggplant AttackTempura AttackPower ThiefEnergy ChargeLibra Sponge
Debuff DarknessInterferenceVirus
Buff Super ArmorBrief InvincibilityTirelessnessLightweightTrade-offAries Armor
Support BumblebeeCounterTransparencyPlaying DeadHeart Booster
Recovery Health RecoveryCrisis RecoveryEffect RecoveryPisces Heal
Item Item VacuumThrowing BoostDouble Item
Miscellaneous Fortune's JukeboxCelestial FireworkRandom
Unknown Mystery