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Weapon Modifiers, or stats, alter a weapon's attributes. The various modifiers are listed below.
Modifier Variants[]
Attack Stars[]
Range: 0.5 to 6
Overall defense[]
Range: -4 to +8
Shot defense[]
Range: -2 to +4
Melee defense[]
Range: -2 to +4
Knockback defense[]
Range: +1 to +4
Status resistance[]
Range: -4 to +4
Range: -4 to +6
Range: +1 to +4
Range: +1 to +4
Range: +1 to +4
Range: +1 to +4
Range: +1 to +4
Range: +1 to +4
Range: +1 to +4
Range: +1 to +4
Shot cancellation[]
Range: +1
Shot range[]
Range: -3 to +3
Shot homing[]
Range: -3 to +3
Range: -4 to +4
Running speed[]
Range: +1 to +4
Walking speed[]
Range: +1 to +4
Range: +1 to +4
Range: +1 to +4
Standing ch. shot[]
Range: -2 to +4
Dash ch. shot[]
Range: -2 to +4
Fwd-dash ch. shot[]
Range: +1 to +4
Bkwd-dash ch. shot[]
Range: +1 to +4
Side-dash ch. shot[]
Range: +1 to +4
Standing cont. fire[]
Range: -2 to +4
Dash cont. fire[]
Range: -2 to +4
Fwd-dash cont. fire[]
Range: +1 to +4
Bkwd-dash cont. fire[]
Range: +1 to +4
Side-dash cont. fire[]
Range: +1 to +4
Melee combo[]
Range: -2 to +4
Melee dash attack[]
Range: -2 to +4
Power attack[]
Range: +1 to +4
Item attack[]
Range: +1 to +4
Recovery effect[]
Range: +1 to +4
Full-health boost[]
Range: +1 to +6
In-peril attack boost[]
Range: -4 to +6
In-peril autododge[]
Range: +1 to +3
Knockback recovery[]
Range: +1 to +4
Effect duration[]
Range: +1 to +4
Heart bonus[]
Range: -3 to +3
Range: -1 to -3
Natural Occurring Modifiers[]
Some weapons will have modifier attributes already present without the need of additional modifiers. This is the case with 100 value versions of the weapon. Below is a list of weapons with pre-included attributes: